


Dr. Moore of Health Solutions Chiropractic & Neuropathy is trained and certified by Fibromyalgia Centers of America, an organization created by caring and concerned doctors who have independently researched methods to help frustrated and debilitated sufferers of Fibromyalgia Syndrome. This nationwide network of doctors shares knowledge, methods, and results with a professional commitment toward relief from fibromyalgia in Williston ND. They are committed to finding the causative factors and correcting them through modern technology.


Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that involves widespread pain, sleep disturbance, headaches, digestive dysfunction, and heightened skin sensitivity. Typically, lab tests come back “normal”, and therefore help little. However, people with fibromyalgia know that they are not “normal”. The signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia in Williston ND are often heightened due to weather, stress, physical activity, or foods.


A patient must have several symptoms present so that the diagnosis of fibromyalgia can be confirmed. First is widespread muscle and skeletal pain. Widespread is defined as pain occurring on the right and left sides of the body, above and below the waist, and along the spine. Localized pain also must occur in a majority of identified "tender points" all over the surface of the body. The pain continues for months at a time and is most often accompanied by stiffness. The second is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and bloating associated with IBS are common for sufferers of fibromyalgia. Another is heightened sensitivity; it’s common for people with fibromyalgia in Williston ND to report being sensitive to odors, noises, bright lights, and touch.

Here is a list of general signs and symptoms:

  • Fatigue
  • Memory loss or “fibro fog”
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Depression or mood swings
  • Chronic headaches
  • Tempo mandibular (jaw) joint dysfunction
  • Bowel disturbances
  • Anxiety
  • Racing heartbeats
  • Allergies
  • Decreased coordination

Three of the most common diseases associated with fibromyalgia are Irritable Bowel Syndrome (lBS), Raynaud’s Disease, and temporal mandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction.


The statistics* below give us an idea of how many people are suffering from fibromyalgia:

  • Fibromyalgia affects 3 to 6 million (or as many as 1 in 50) Americans
  • It occurs seven times more frequently in women than in men
  • Women who have a family member with fibromyalgia are more likely to have it themselves
  • It is the 2nd most common rheumatic ailment after osteoarthritis
  • Fibromyalgia primarily occurs in women of childbearing age, but children, the elderly, and men can also be affected
  • 90% of fibromyalgia patients have jaw and facial tenderness that could produce symptoms of TMJ dysfunction
  • 50% of all fibromyalgia patients suffer from sensitivities to odors, noise, bright lights, medications, and various foods

* American College of Rheumatology, 2004; The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, 1999; and the Fibromyalgia Network, 1999

Depending on where you look, you find greater numbers of fibromyalgia sufferers. The National Foundation for Fibromyalgia states as many as 12 million Americans, or up to 4% of the population, suffer from FM but go undiagnosed because of the elusive nature of this disease.

If you’ve been told, “It’s all in your head”...

Since fibromyalgia patients commonly have associated depression, and because the cause of the disease is only beginning to be understood by the medical establishment, these patients are often dismissed by family, friends or even their doctor, as having a mental disorder.

A 2013 study of fibromyalgia patients published in the medical journal, Brain, came to some fascinating conclusions. Here is one of them:

“...fibromyalgia syndrome is not a variant of depression but rather represents an independent entity that may be associated with depressive symptoms. The finding is compatible with fibromyalgia syndrome and depression being independent disorders although concomitant (existing together) in a proportion of patients.... This study has major implications regarding the nosological status of fibromyalgia syndrome: our results challenge the current concept of fibromyalgia syndrome as a variant of depression or merely psychological disorder.”

In other words, just because fibromyalgia sufferers commonly have psychological symptoms such as depression and mood disturbances, these are not the cause of the disease. In fact, the opposite is true, that the debilitating effects of fibromyalgia are instead the cause of the psychological symptoms. This study concludes that fibromyalgia is not “all in your head”.


Most fibromyalgia sufferers who come to us have already been to multiple doctors and had many tests. They’ve spent thousands of dollars on many different powerful medications, and are typically miserable and not doing the things that once brought them joy.

If this describes you, if you are tired of being in constant pain, having constant fatigue, and are looking for relief, then you must be willing to try something you've never tried before. At Fibromyalgia Centers of America (FCA), we have helped many with this condition to the point where they no longer need their medications.

At FCA clinics, our unique approach will let us know quickly whether or not we can help you. Our trained doctors have helped thousands of fibromyalgia sufferers find the cause of their pain and regain their lives. It is our passion and commitment. If you think you have fibromyalgia, you may qualify for our treatment program. Contact us at (701) 577-7771 to schedule an appointment with a certified FCA doctor.

For more information on Fibromyalgia Centers of America please visit:


Dr. Moore with Clyde V.


“Working is going great. I am golfing and playing with my grandkids with NO PAIN.”

Clyde says, “I came in with severe lower back pain, that at times would give me shooting sharp pain. At times it would bring me to my knees.”


He had this for about five months before seeing Dr. Moore. He had seen another chiropractor, but it was not even touching his pain. When we asked Clyde what his biggest concern for the future was, he said, “That I wasn’t going to be able to work at my job anymore. I had to lift and crawl around on my knees.” “I could not play with my grandchildren, or golf because I was in so much pain.”

Clyde’s x-rays revealed that he had advanced degenerative disc disease in his lower back. This was from repetitive stress, lifting, and bending over many years. Now, after completing Dr. Moore’s treatment program, he is pain-free. “I am back to the activities I did before my back problem. I always worried that I would never be the same and would have to live with back pain. I have had no pain in 8 months all thanks to Dr. Moore.”

When asked if he would recommend Health Solutions Chiropractic & Neuropathy to his friends and family, Clyde replied, “I already have many times. Dr. Moore makes you feel that he cares about you and works to make you feel better. He is very knowledgeable and knows what to do to make you better. His staff is always helpful.”

Dr. Moore with Christian


Christian had been dealing with lower back pain & neck pain for about 15 years. When Christian first came to see us, he was having a flareup that made it very difficult to even walk. When he was asked what his biggest fear was, he replied, “Having to be in a wheelchair.”


Prior to seeing Dr. Moore, Christian had seen other doctors for the pain he was experiencing but he became tired of not seeing the results. Christian stated, “I couldn’t sleep peacefully, exercise, or do any other physical activities. When I didn’t see results, I bit the bullet and dealt with the pain.”

Dr. Moore discovered at Christian’s first appointment that he had a lumbar herniated disc, which had been causing Christian to not live his life to the fullest. After starting his program, Christian is able to jog, go to the gym and play sports. One unexpected improvement was that he no longer had any knee pain.

When asked if he would recommend Health Solutions Chiropractic & Neuropathy to his friends and family, Christian replied, “ Dr. J. Moore really does have healing hands, he really cares about his patients & I believe I am good proof of that. I went from being unable to roll on my own due to pain & walking with a cane to now being able to live my life normally. I can work my daily job, play sports & exercise without needing to have surgery or be on pain meds.”

  • “I am doing great for a guy who had a herniated L5 Disc!”

Dr. Moore with Lee N.


“Before I started seeing Dr. Moore, I experienced all sorts of joint stiffness &/or pain. Everything in my life for me became acute about ten years ago; it made me immobile."


"I had to stall on housework or daily activities due to the pain. I began to stress how this could affect my life long term; about losing my independence.

I had sought help from countless doctors, including a Regular Physician, a Neurologist, a Cardiac Specialist, & a different Chiropractor. They either provided me with no relief, prescription drugs I was allergic to, or no answers.

When I started to see Dr. Moore, he wanted to focus on three spots of my spine. He took me & my Fibromyalgia seriously, something I had not experienced from any other doctor.

Now, I can do housework, attend all after-work functions, & I am all-around more active! He unexpectedly helped me improve my joint movement, inner vibration, & digestion.

I would 100% recommend Dr. Moore & his services. He gets to the root of the problem of what’s wrong while being in a friendly & relaxed environment.”

Dr. Moore with Michelle B


“I have been living with chronic pain for over 10 years. When I came to see Dr. Moore, he was my last hope at trying to relieve even a smidgen of my pain."


"I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia when the onset of my pain increased. From that moment on, I had been given medication after medication (sometimes 8 pills at once!). The side effects outweighed the help they gave me.

My pain was so great that I struggled every day to do even the simplest things like laundry, walking my dogs, cooking, cleaning, & even writing. My family was suffering because they had to pick up the slack where I was lacking. I couldn’t be the mother that my daughter needed me to be. I could not run with her, push her on a swing, take walks with her, or even teach her how to cook!

Before seeing Dr. Moore, I started looking for more natural ways to ease my pain. Creams, tens unit, massages, spas, you name it – I tried it! Nothing worked long-term.

After seeing Dr. Moore, we found the root cause of many of my ailments.

Since taking my supplements & Dr. Moore working on my spine, I have found that there was more than I realized that needed fixing. My IBS, libido, migraines, sinus issues, arthritis, shooting pain in my arms & legs, weight – these all have improved immensely!

My family life has improved, as well as my social life. My future looks promising again. I am currently going back to school to continue my studies. One unexpected benefit would be that my husband will start seeing Dr. Moore as he’s astonished at my results!

I highly recommend Dr. Moore & I feel very blessed to have met him – he has given me my life back!”

Dr. Moore with Carol H.


“Hello, I am Carol Heaney. Before beginning my journey, my lower back & hips would hurt all the time. Sitting was just as painful as being on my feet. This had been going on for nearly 10 years, causing me to no longer go on long walks or on vacation with my husband. I could hardly walk; I felt like I could not go anymore."


"Especially during work where I had to switch departments, so I was not on my feet constantly. My 7-hour workdays felt like 20 hours. I tried to find relief with 5 other Chiropractors & 1 Podiatrist before finding Health Solutions Chiropractic & Neuropathy, but they did not help at all. I went through so many pairs of orthotics!

Once I started seeing Dr. Moore, it all went away. Adjustments made it to where I could go to work all week long, before coming in for the next appointment. Gary & I can go on longer walks now. He used to walk ahead & wait for me to catch up, but now I can walk right alongside him. I have seen a huge improvement all around, even in my neck, which I thought my pillow was causing my issues! My back, in between the shoulder blades, feels so much better than it has in over 10 years.

Since meeting Dr. Moore, I can now walk or stand for long periods. (I usually do not even hurt at all). I love Dr. Moore. He listens to me & what I have to say. He genuinely cares about you & everything he does helps me in more ways than I ever thought possible. I have recommended Dr. Moore before & will continue to do so.”

Dr. Moore with Clarke S.


"Before seeing Dr. Moore, I was experiencing a great deal of pain. I noticed it in both of my hips, my lower back, shoulders & neck. I had been dealing with the symptoms with my lower back on & off for 40 years. My hips & shoulders were ongoing for about three months."


"I tried taking pain pills & doing back stretching exercises to help with the pain. But this only made me irritable. Which unfortunately left me where I was not able to participate in basic daily activities. I even had a hard time going to work!

I came to Dr. Moore in April of this year. I can now work, hunt, hike & do other outdoor activities with my wife & children. One unexpected improvement is that my mobility has greatly improved!

Dr. Moore is knowledgeable & very capable. He has helpful & friendly staff. I feel so much better & haven’t felt this good in years!”

"Before coming in to see Dr. Moore, I had pain and steady pressure at the base of my skull, the bottom of my neck, the bottom of my shoulder blades in the middle of my back, the bottom of my rib cage in the middle of my back, and at my waist into my right hip.

I have been to many medical doctors, chiropractors, and physical therapists. I have had traction, massage, pills, relaxation tapes, and nothing helped. I met the doctor at the booth and he picked out all of the areas that were sore on me right away without my telling him. I was surprised, as I had told others where I hurt but they would not listen to me. Dr. Moore found the place without my saying anything. Dr. Moore told me he was sure he could help me and I thought, “well, it won’t hurt to try one more time to get some relief.” I made an appointment. When I came in for the appointment, x-rays and an exam were done. Dr. Moore checked the places that I hurt many times and then recommended adjustments three times a week for a little while. Dr. Moore was able to move things and give me some relief right away at the first appointment where others had failed after many adjustments.

My hobby is bowling and yes, my condition did interfere with my bowling because of the pain and pressure I had. Since my treatments, it has made it easier to reach and move to bowl.

The pain and pressure in my low back, between my shoulder blades, and up into my head and neck has cleared up better than anyone or any treatment has been able to give me relief. After the first month I began feeling much better and it’s been six months now and I only see the doctor once a month. I no longer have the pain and pressure I lived with for years. I, myself, am surprised!"

- Mary T.

"My name is Mark and I am a maintenance sub-contractor. In my spare time, I enjoy golfing and snow skiing.

I was in an automobile accident and as a result, I began having pain in my middle back and in my lower neck. It was hard for me to twist my back or turn my head because of the pain and it was also hard to sleep. I had the pain for a week before seeking help at Dr. Moore’s clinic.

Dr. Moore explained to me that I had injured my spine and that the pain was caused by misaligned vertebrae in my mid-back and neck.

Through chiropractic care, my pain and stiffness are gone. Sleeping is no problem now and twisting my back and neck is no longer a problem."

- Mark V.

"I have had severe back problems for nearly 20 years. That was when I was admitted to the hospital for the first time. After about a week I was released to go back to work on crutches, on medication and still having severe back pains. While in the hospital I was told they could operate but there was a chance I may be crippled the rest of my life.

The last time I was in the hospital for this condition, about 12 years later, I was informed that I had spurs on my spine and the only possible cure was surgery. Again, I turned that option down. I was also warned of two things to never do by the medical doctors. One was to never sleep on a waterbed and the other was to never seek chiropractic assistance. They warned me that seeking this type of help could be very dangerous. They stated that if I was to be treated that they may damage nerves and I would be crippled for life. Of course, no one wants to take that chance.

Since then I have suffered not only from the pain, but also severe cramps in my legs, numbness in feet and legs, pain so bad at night I had to hold on to the headboard of the bed to even turn over, holding on to a door or wall to support myself when I put my clothes on, and the fear of doing anything thinking my back would go out again with the slightest wrong move. I had just decided it was a condition I would live with for the rest of my life. I could even look in the mirror and see my posture was bad because of this.

A few months ago, my wife began suffering from severe shoulder and back pains. I took her to several medical doctors who took x-rays, gave her medication, but really did nothing. I felt as her last choice, she asked me if I felt a chiropractor could do her any good. After discussing this, we decided we would give it a chance. I contacted Dr. Jason Moore.

I watched as Dr. Moore worked with my wife. His patience and tender care really impressed me. He seemed more personally involved with the care of my wife than any other doctor had been in the past. After I saw what Dr. Moore was able to accomplish with my wife in assisting her with her back problems, I decided to seek his professional help with my back problem also.

At first, I was very fearful of what may happen. After a complete evaluation, Dr. Moore informed me that he felt he could help. After several visits, I am very thankful I can see great improvements. Not only with my back and legs, but also such things as more strength in arms and legs, and improvement in other areas such as, no cramps at night, no more numbness in feet and legs, and I can even put my clothes on without holding on to something.

I feel now that I suffered many years for no real reason. If some medical doctor had hidden his pride and referred me to a chiropractor when he knew he did not have the answer. Surgery is hard to face for anyone, especially when it’s not necessary.

I would highly recommend to anyone having any problems they or their doctor feel could come from back problems, go see a chiropractor before they make the wrong decision.

I would also like to say a special thanks to Dr. Jason Moore for the assistance he has given both to my wife and myself. He shows a great knowledge in his professional field and a special quality that many doctors lack. That quality is a concern and care for his patients, that make you feel you’re not only being treated by a doctor, but by someone you can call a friend. Again, Jason, I will say, you show that care in a special way."

- Donald T.

"My name is Donald and I am an auto mechanic, I enjoy remote control cars and watching football.

When I came in to see Dr. Moore I had pain in the right side of my spine from the middle of my neck all the way down to my hip. I had pain across my shoulders. Pain in my right groin and thigh, and occasional sharp pains in my lower back.

These problems started after I slipped and fell at work, but I was already suffering from neck pain caused by a motorcycle accident five years before.

Dr. Moore examined me and took X-rays. The X-rays showed that my spine was s-shaped instead of straight. There was also a lot of muscle tension due to weaknesses in my spine. Dr. Moore recommended a 3-month program of treatment.

Through chiropractic care, my problems are very much improved. All the pains are now gone and I can even turn my head without pain in my neck. My attitude has improved tooI recommend chiropractic care to others because it makes a difference."

- Don M.

"Hi! My name is John, and I am a business owner. When I came to see Dr. Moore, I was suffering from low back pain, stomach, and left hip joint pain. I had these problems for two years, during which time I sought medical care and got some relief through the use of drugs and exercises. I tried a chiropractor in town but received only temporary relief.

Then I heard about Dr. Moore through an ad in the newspaper. Because of the care and follow-through Dr. Moore has given, it has not been necessary to resort to drugs, and I have felt great relief from these problems through his treatments. Dr. Moore is interested enough in people’s health problems to give them a health pass which helps cover the initial costs of examination. Also, he explains how he will follow through to relieve the cause of the problem.

I would recommend chiropractic care to others because it helps the body heal and strengthen without the use of drugs."

- John O.

"My name is Janice and I am a housewife. When I came in to see Dr. Moore, I had severe pain in my right shoulder, and arm, and numbness in my fingers. I had lived with the pain for three weeks before coming in and had seen two doctors who had given me medication which did not help.

Dr. Moore was a lifesaver. Without his professional help, I don’t know what I would have done next. I was in so much pain when I went to him, but after he worked with me, some of the pain was already relieved. He is so patient and caring, I thank god for him. I can comb my hair now!

I would recommend chiropractic care to others. Look what it has done for me!"

- Janice T.

"My name is Sharon and I am a telecommunicator. In my spare time, I enjoy tent camping, watching Nascar auto racing, watching movies, baking, and relaxing.

Before coming to Dr. Moore I suffered from severe pain in both sides of my neck and across my shoulder blades. I also had headaches and was unable to sleep. I had these problems for 2-3 weeks before my husband’s friend referred me to Dr. Moore.

As a result of his treatment, I am now able to turn my head normally without pain, and I can move and lift my arms without pain. It has made my job a lot easier. I can sleep in comfort now and wake up without headaches. My husband says I’m easier to live with and I’m not so grumpy now.

I encourage others to seek chiropractic care because it makes day-to-day activities much easier."

- Sharon P.

"My lower back hurt continually for many years and my right shoulder blade area hurt constantly. It hurt to raise my arm, to sleep, or to sit for very long periods of time. I assumed my pain stemmed from a horseback riding accident over 20 years ago! I really thought the pain was something I had to live with for the rest of my life. I was going through extra strength Tylenol nightly hoping for relief and losing sleep. A friend suggested chiropractic treatment. I must say I was very apprehensive, I felt there was absolutely nothing anyone could do for me. Let alone someone who would be messing with my already painful back. Dr. Moore’s name was given to me.

X-rays showed severe curvature of the spine. His recommendation was to have an adjustment twice a week. I felt that if I was paying for his advice I should try his treatment. Within 2 weeks I felt relief from my lower back. Within 3 ½ weeks my shoulder blade area felt so much better I thought I was healed! I continued with my adjustments and can honestly say I feel like a new person. I sleep through the whole night. I can sit at my computer with no problem! I can paint; I can wash windows. It boils down to the fact I can do so many things now that were a “chore” to do before my chiropractic treatments and Dr. Moore.

I hope others who are in pain or have doubts concerning chiropractic care will consider this option.

My only regret is that I did not seek chiropractic sooner!

Thank you Dr. Moore for allowing me to feel great again!"

- Vera S.