Meet Dr. Moore

Dr. Jason Moore


Dr. Moore earned his doctorate from Palmer College of Chiropractic, graduating summa cum laude in 1989. During his years at Palmer, he met the love of his life, Kerala, and they were married in 1990. Shortly thereafter, they opened their practice in western Montana and raised four boys together. After more than twenty years in Montana, they decided to move to Williston ND.

Dr. Moore has a deep love for North Dakota, with family roots in this area that go back four generations.

Not long ago, he and his sons lost Kerala to ovarian cancer. He has decided to stay close to his family roots and maintain his practice here in Williston ND.

Dr. Moore has completed extensive postgraduate study in the Gonstead method of chiropractic and has a broad background in nutritional/herbal medicine. He is a member of the ND Chiropractic Association, the Gonstead Clinical Studies Society, and the Williston Chamber of Commerce. His clinic in Williston ND is located on the second floor of the 20/20 Professional Center, 1500 14th St. West.

Dr. Moore with his family


Severe headaches were a normal part of life for me for most of my growing up years. My mother tells me that even when I was small, the pain would be so intense that I would throw up. In my early teen years, I developed another painful condition, a persistent ache in my right hip/groin area. The medical doctors did their tests and concluded that it was growing pains; I had no choice but to live with it. This, along with the debilitating headaches, continued into my late teens, until my dad started taking me to his chiropractor. It turned out that the headaches were caused by misalignments in my upper back and neck, which put pressure on the nerves in those areas. Through a series of corrective adjustments, my headaches completely resolved! This doctor informed me that the pain in my hip/groin was referred pain from a misaligned and locked sacroiliac joint in my lower back. He corrected that problem as well! This is why I chose chiropractic as a career; it changed my life!

In chiropractic college, away from home and far from my family chiropractor, some of my symptoms eventually returned. Long hours in the classroom, and the many hours of studying took a toll on my back and neck. My headaches, hip pain and mid back pain grew gradually worse, to the point where I had to seek help. I went to a chiropractor nearby, who after a number of visits was unable to correct the problems in my spine. I tried another chiropractor, with slightly better results, but still I was unable to find the relief I desperately needed. I was getting worried at this point, that maybe my back problems were too far progressed for chiropractic to help me!

One day in class, I was telling my instructor my story, hoping that someone with his many years of experience in the chiropractic profession might be able to give me some good advice. He recommended that I go visit a particular colleague of his who specialized in the Gonstead method of chiropractic. I had heard of the Gonstead technique, but knew little about it. I went to see Dr. Don Specht.

On that first visit, I was impressed by the thoroughness of his evaluation. From the first adjustment he gave me, I began to realize what I had been missing with other chiropractic methods. His was very different, downright sensible. He didn’t just “pop” my spine; he addressed specific joints, correcting misalignments in a specific way. I left his office that day knowing that I had discovered a true treasure in this Gonstead doctor. In a matter of weeks, Dr. Specht was able to completely resolve all of my symptoms, and provide a level of correction that even resolved problems I didn’t know were related to my back, like my chest pain and heart palpitations.

That experience convinced me that Gonstead chiropractic was the method I needed to learn. A drastic course correction in my chiropractic training was in order! I discovered that although Palmer College of Chiropractic offered some training in the Gonstead method, if I wanted to truly master the technique as Dr. Specht had, I would have to really work at it. My decision led me down a path that involved hundreds and hundreds of hours of extra-curricular training, which included many classes, seminars, and visits to Dr. Clarence Gonstead’s clinic in Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin. It led to a voluntary internship with Dr. Herb Wood, a nearby Gonstead doctor and mentor, during my last year of school. Then after graduation, I was privileged to work alongside Dr. Larry Troxell, a renowned Gonstead mentor, as an associate doctor. I was able to learn from many other Gonstead doctors as well, including Dr. Phyllis Markham, the woman who analyzed all of Dr. Gonstead’s xrays. These chiropractic mentors all prepared me to open the doors of my first chiropractic clinic in 1993.